Updates Page

Latest Update - PwaaSources Version 2.0

Website Goes Public!

I really can't believe something I worked on so much in not much time is now displayed for everyone! Hopefully y'all will share it.

Domain Bought!!

6.16$ just despawned from my wallet into the website. The domain is still worth it - pwaasources.com

Discord Server Fetched Up

The PwaaSources Discord Server has been adjusted with roles, channels and much more!

Previous Updates

PwaaSources Version 1.12 - 10/04/23

Designed a website logo, and added new socials for the website. Created a new contact page and fetched things in the website.

PwaaSources Version 1.11 - 08/04/23

New practice features have been conducted, and so hopefully the website will show an embed version of the quizlets.

PwaaSources Version 1.9 - 02/04/23

A brand new About page has emerged from the shadows, with the info of me and the friends who helped making the guides.

PwaaSources Version 1.8 - 23/3/23

Friends came to help make more expert guides to the website than these I have the ability to make.

PwaaSources Version 1.7 - 17/03/23

A master page for the website has been made, with the main and bottom margins, and basic designs for all of the pages.

PwaaSources Version 1.6 - 06/03/23

The new curriculum for the 2023 theme: Reconstructing the Past is published, with a booklet version for the public.

PwaaSources Version 1.5 - 13/02/23

The Updates page was just established, without too much content to say the least....

PwaaSources Version 1.4 - 18/01/23

The preset for the Guides page has been made, and the header for the resources page is redesigned.

PwaaSources Version 1.3 - 06/11/22

The content update page has been created, with the resources in them.

PwaaSources Version 1.2 - 20/10/22

The Community page is finally made, and I added a bit of css for some of the resources for 2022: A World Re-renewed.

PwaaSources Version 1.1 - 22/09/22

Corrections for the curriculum have been made, and the cool background for the home page is finally coded.

PwaaSources Version 1.0 - 08/09/22

The grand, unofficial opening of the website. Has only the home page and the resources for 2022: A World Re-renewed.

Hello Visitor! Let's keep in touch! Discord: Nadav Gil#9291 | Mail: pwaasources@gmail.com | Instagram: @nadav_gil_4v2c.plus.2r